Sunday, October 17, 2010

Online Wwe Create A Title Belt

Shooting. Frio

crap do not yap. The shooting is a must for any bike, and incidentally, in any vehicle. For a detailed way as to take the engine assembly line is never so well adjusted, if he needs a final polish. It's like a knife in the field, after you buy always you that you have to give a sharp, and if the bikes are equal. What you do on set is sharpened the engine parts from touching each other.

If you look under a microscope a metal surface can be seen that this is not regular but is formed by ridges, is Piquitos and tiny holes. The holes we strip it but when two surfaces rub against each other such metal Piquitos collide with other surface producce more heat, more friction and more friction. The purpose of the filming is to eliminate those Piquitos microscopic metal surfaces of all of our bike that touch each other.

The Japanese katanas blacksmith makes a samurai with love, choose the best steel and is licked with the hammer for days to remove impurities, fold it over a thousand times to form overlapping layers of metal, then immersed in water a very accurate time to build and give them strength, the review again and again to verify that the process is perfect, meteen in pure crystalline water and finally forging and spend days and days of grinding and polishing them with stones of different thicknesses. Finally the finish is perfect. But if you look at the knife you just bought a trail since Cascarro Madrid is not the same thing.

Bikes In the same happens. parts of motorcycle competition. They are made with best material and machining processes more scrupulous. The workshop of HRC (Honda Racing Corporation or the Department of Competition Honda) seems an operating room. These pieces are made as to millimeter need not shoot, but of course your bike out of a mass production line, is also something else, like the knife of the trail.

engines last shot well enough but do not consume oil, give their best performance and do not spoil. If you want the bike will last you let him shoot.

Let's start dismantling myths. No factory engine is shot. The bullshit that they have pulled the bike to roll at the factory is a sovereign bullshit. The vision of a full Aviation Hangars from motorcycle pulled on rollers and makes me laugh by the way, that method would give running a catastrophic outcome, then explain why. The manufacturers say they assume their engines are made so that the pieces are so well made and so well fitted that do not need shooting. This is a lie and if you ask the mechanics who are up to the hilt to open engines, some of them new, will confirm my opinion. Do not be fooled, that the goal of a motorcycle factory is making money, not make you happy. Spend well over budget marketing departments to quality.

And we'll get into task, as is done filming.

first shooting must be done with chilly temperatures because a film is heated engine with more than one shot. It is very important not to overheat the engine in this period because the polishing parts would fatal.

Secondly, soon after starting the motro left idle for two minutes. This is so that the oil pump has time to send oil to all corners of the motor. Also I think that warming up the engine so you should do for the rest of your life. Those assholes that two seconds after turning on the motro put him out first and are gradually clawing engine life. And if you give up sprinting is to kill them. Not because it does not even God. To start and shot out Christ, does not expect to prime the engine with oil, seem to jerk because 90% of engine wear over your life occurs in the first two minutes of use for this because is when the pieces turn against each other without oil.

Once you prime the engine with oil sales to carretra to make your shoot. You should choose as far as possible a secondary carretra curves. This is because the Rodeja accelerating and should be done by releasing gas. When you put pressure on the engine accelerate and make the parts move strongly against each other, the polish and roll, but at the same time heated by friction, leave these parts are cool under pressure, and how is this done? then decelerating. Releasing the accelerator parts are no longer so much pressure and therefore does not rub so hard against each other, friction decreases and the heat it generates as well.

perfect Filming is accelerating and releasing, so the secondary road curves. So you know, first maxim of a good running, no constant speed, speed and drop.

must not do the shooting on the highway. Keeping the engine at a speed / constant speed is not made a good film. Bringing the pieces rubbing against each other constamente without speeding up and drop as I say, it is glass and not polish properly. The boarding zaragoza five times in two weeks is not how to shoot a motor. You have to go

gear changing constants to make the process of accelerating and drop all gears, giving the process of shooting different loads, so you also pass rolling all the sprockets and gears in the gearbox. Nothing to catch the clutch with two fingers, in these first moments clutches stepping in depth so that the change will not suffer.

already in the factory manual states that during the filming not Nosecuantos must move around the other and they are right, but the shooting should not be done in gear trying to bring the motro low returns.

very many more suffer motor going at the same speed in fifth at 3000 turns going in the third to 6000. That's because in order to maintain this speed to 3000 revolutions need half of explosions at 6000, but if speed is the same in both cases, the explosions of the first case should be twice as strong as that of the second. The force of the rear wheel in the opposite direction makes each explosion motro double crush force against the pistons inside the cylinders. This scratches the cylinder and not polished, not the wheel if not that brand.
When you sharpen a knife is rubbed against the grindstone very fast but without exerting much pressure, if we press a lot and spend less time sharpens worse, the engine is the same. So you know, no rattles or take very low returns or drowned. The engine should be happy, without going to accelerate, but we notice gas that when we open it reacts immediately.

manuals set a maximum speed, well, we are accelerating in lower gears (slowly) up to these revolutions and then we release the gas. As we say in gear the engine suffers more. people believe that to bring the very low engine turns the shooting is better, but I will say that it is not. So we will run the engine starting with gears. The first few times you go out with the forbidden move from fourth. And male, I feel in soul, but if you have to spend the first 500 km not to exceed 80 because you've bought a 250, then you hold and fuck you.

I guess it goes without saying that during this period must always carry the oil to the maximum without going over. When you deliver the bike purchase a small can of oil (the most expensive 10 euros, so slacker) and constantly monitors the oil level. During filming the bikes consume a little more than usual, shooting past consumption tends to disappear.

manuals do say that running 1000 Km. I lengthen a little more that figure. It is true that after those 1000 km must change the oil and motor oil that contains all of the metal impurities and has been refined to be removed as soon as possible but do not reach the maximum speed in those 1000 km When birthday to go to the workshop, you change the oil and new oil continuous with your process of shooting. Gradually

can gradually increase the engine speed, accelerations ever come up higher on the counter and every time you dropping over the engine. You can go to ratitos constant speed but I still insist that the shooting must acerlo speeding and dropping. In single-cylinder

na to do three times what makes the manufacturer, in a twin, double and a four-cylinder leave it as is. This is because the four legs (four-cylinder slang) always turns finest. It does the same strength in the four blasts tiny pieces scattered intervals wag giving a single cylinder in each explosion. If

the engine is air cooled shooting stretches further, this is because the air-cooled engines have a lot more olgura that water cooled, so you have to be much more careful polishing work on these gaps.


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