Thursday, August 26, 2010

What Does 2kg Of Fat Look Like

The Story of my organs.

Let's see if the next story will be clearer, is:


effectively. It was walking around in bike bag in the mountains, not completing a long journey where I could fatigue, or was one of those days where you horrible time with more fear than talent.

fucked was a Tuesday in August that would work like every morning. Vulgar and current day. I would not fart or (which is ground to be the most time that I'm working or riding a motorcycle) and had slept little (which is what I do when I'm not fart).

yield in the city than leaving Pegasus to the M-40 (also called yield of laughter) a van came up behind me with their priority, not bothered in the maneuver, accelerate out of giving way and joining before the van was at my height. Just was a strong stamp of 30 going to 50 or sixty. To verify that the van was behind me I looked in the mirror. Indeed the move had been perfect and the van had not even slowed down and was at the correct distance from me.

the rearview mirror I saw the guy's face in the van, a kind of fat albañilaco over 50 tacos. He wore a green cap species, such as the military. Teresa looked like a Marine infantry. the Marines Teresa was much more cool shit that hat Air Army gave me my. I remembered at that time the uniform of the 10 Marines who made the camp with me and that was cool Mogollon. It was like that of Richard Gere in Officer and a Gentleman, with his peaked cap and all and not air welding rubbish I had been given to me and that seemed the uniform of the Waffen SS dyed blue.

He could not be distinguished by Teresa whore fucked in the mirror and my brain albañilaco something I said, "let alone the fucking hat and looks ahead."

And when I looked before I found the ass of a suzuki samurai that they do not exceed 60, and leaving the yield of laughter as much going to 40, and that was not as bad, but was less than two feet in front of me and I was accelerating with the suzuki against.

time I did not touch the brakes, my brain terribly tanned by years of use and abuse of cubatas carboys for seedy gambling dens of Madrid and was processing what I had to do to stop or avoid the suzuki the impact.

It was a big blow, enough to make the bike off balance and I fell to the ground and come out rolling onto the shoulder, but no luck guys. I had my curdura ventilated suck my helmet shoei protections and it was in my opinion the second best market town. I also wore my boots, but my colleagues Curro was laughing at me asking if Curran had been on a horse. Yet my body slipped between the guardrail posts but did not head fucked.

I did not fly, or notice a white light in the sky opened up and were addressed to me at her with a brutal sense of peace and angels with harps saw around me in high heels and not devils with pitchforks. Me directly I realized I was sitting on the curb watching the entire accident. In a split second had gone from being conscious and walking around the floor to be sitting on a rock watching the scene. On top was naked! Not a coat I had left miserable death get pussy. For me to be naked blew me a bit because in life (is that far and it was) had been in a few nudist beaches, plus references for my death Sebra film was clear that I could not see anyone, but if being desclazo that bothered me. When he was alive I dreamed that I was suddenly naked at school and my classmates were chasing me to throw things and scream that he was naked, I would run and hide obiamente, but running barefoot was a feeling that overwhelmed me and wake up most remembered.

was clear that he had palmed a spirit and was contemplating my own death scene, but hell, look it barefoot!

block a chicken is the host. The brake van behind me albañilaco cutting and mounting traffic jam on the road to Barcelona scrotumtightening. The Suzuki's were a couple of elderly gentlemen from murcia airport trying to reach through the tangle of bad roads indicated that there is to achieve this. I think that's why were going so slowly.

Despite the traffic jam of Samur not long in coming, saw the two doctors out of the ambulance ran like two GEOS made to shoot. They ran to me with their briefcases but before you get to where I was slowing down when he realized that little could be done. I got in the ambulance and blocked the way up (and that was the second time they did, in an accident in the derby SDS at 91 the doctor who treated me gave me for dead).

I think I led the Ramón y Cajal. Not to because I was stiffer than the roe. The ambulance had taken my wallet and handed the girl admitted to locate my family. Looking for the DNI found the organ donor card and I informed the doctor on call.

My wife accompanied by her parents arrived quickly. Like all families when they lose a loved one had a face engulfed in sorrow and shed tears. knew lo que había ocurrido y esperaban que saliese alguien a informarles. Por lo menos podían haberme traido unas botas.

El médico de guardia tenía que informarles de lo peor. Estaba sentado en la mesa de un box de urgencias que estaba vacio con la puerta cerrada y manoseaba mi carnet de donante. A veces se asomaba y veía la cara de mi mujer sentada en el pasillo a traves de una cristalera que separaba la sala de espera de las urgencias. Pensaba que lo mejór sería meterlos en el despacho y decirles lo que había ocurrido.

Los médicos dicen que nunca te acostumbras a la muerte , que cuando llevas muchos años de profesión que se te muera un paciente es como si se te muere el canario , pero este nunca se había become accustomed. In the background was general medicine internist, thought the work that someone has died as a priest had to do that because you had to play hell to give him that kind of news.

In his career he had killed an elderly couple, but it was the first time I had to ask for the bodies of a young boy to the family. conta knew the family was younger was to make it easier. Older people are much more reluctant to this kind of thing. Some real numbers mounted pelao cry. people who had yelled at the doctors who demanded the bodies as they happened request in writing that his corpse quartered child. That they would be sued for doing such a thing, they had no heart, they wanted from that point talk to another doctor, a real one and not occurred to him to approach them anymore.

But only with the card serví no current law requires the signature of the immediate family members to remove organs. does not matter if you are the donor card. For very supportive one is, if your mother or your wife says no firm can not touch.

The card always helps. The show with your name on it is a written test and feaciente your will as a donor. Help convince family and gives the desvergonzonería necessary to try to sell them the situation.

There was nothing. I had to do and make it to the brave, I would go straight for the family, ask for Mrs. Mir, I would ask you to accompany them, take them to the office and directly and sharply, with the least possible words they anunciría my death.

But that was not the worst. ACTH followed had to tell them that they had found my organ donor card that was an indication of what was my will.

knew that there were courses and seminars in college and in the various hospitals to undertake this kind of trance. But the courses had surgery that was his illusion. All courses at no time material to make them. The surgery was chosen not only because of molaban more, but also because the surgery could also save lives.

stopped thinking about this little thing and accepted the plan that had planned to do as good. Quick, to the office, death and donation. Direct, concise and accurate dry. I picked Air, dried sweat and out of the emergency box where he had hidden ready to undertake its task.

Just open the door and look through the glass saw that my wife and my in-laws were no longer alone. My parents, much older than my in-laws had come. My mother had hung a crucifix around his neck and thumbed. my aunt had also come Angelina them, unmarried and blessed than most, with almost that we had grown up and wondered where was the admission to go to chapel to pray for her nephew.

Poor internist again get in the box and sat back in his chair to be granted two minutes. Lit a cigarette inside the box and wished that head nurse came in and caught him smoking to sue him and fired him at that time to avoid having to undertake the task he played. but the cigarette is over, no one came and the two minutes it had happened again.

I diambulaba for emergencies looking for something to wear on your feet. He was still barefoot and naked, but also saw that both my nipples were decorated by two piercins shaped earring. But if he was alive I had no piercings, came to the fucking balls pierced nipples. That you had the feeling of happiness to die began to touch my balls

A couple of hours before I had entered one of Vallekas jonki who had gotten an overdose and had a crappy sneakers full of shit and made a disgust. In the morgue there was a young girl who had left her stiff an asthma attack in the sofa of his house and was in pajamas and socks. I also had heard that they were operating in the operating room to a lady of more 50 years of a stroke, the nurses said it was so bad that not come out alive, but the horn had caught fucking dinner at the home of brothers and went with high heels.

Among the junkie sidosas shoes, socks with toes of asthma and heels of the OR choose to keep my dignity in death and show up in front of San Pedro barefoot before dress asshole. ----

had to be in the fucking eurofigter. Look who went though the f-18 that had been bought from the Americans. And do not say anything about the French Mirage also had, it is true they were a bit old but always had worked well.

Eurofighter fighter jet was proposed that had developed between the four countries. Germany, Italy, England and Spain. As there, the project had been a bloody mess. Cordiner staff of four nationalities who speak different languages \u200b\u200bwas crazy.

fell to me particularly badly. When he was alive, after a crappy indenmización charge for a dismissal had diversified money as my friends advised me to economists. got a thousand bucks in shares of EADS, the English subsidiary of the project. A week later left the company a overdrive and bonus was 10 million euros, a week later was another overdrive and took another five, one week all the staff found out and went on strike, and of course, the shares hit a host that you shit. For

over right now, to touch the balls with more nerve, the last of my organs had just shift the patient depended on a eurofigter. And if he were a German eurofigter who had come to pick it up yet, but one would be in English.


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