Tuesday, December 7, 2010

How To Fake A License For Windows Blind

25 tips to go to Penguins

Good good good. We're on Christmas. I've filled out the fucking lights fir. I've been about to electrocute the installation but thanks to the Christmas tree of Sweet Begoñita all children in the world has come sabaran Christmas.

And of course, is coming which is the largest winter concentration bikers from all over Europe. Penguins.

As its name suggests is basically a few bikers get together in a pine forest in winter, make a hoguerita, take a few wines and spend the night there. Held the second weekend of January.

The last time we did 30,000. I repeat, treintamil.

So I faithful to that which Jesus Christ said to "teach the ignorant," I will give you a series of advice for the first time if you are going enjoy it a little hard time passing them lower surface. And I say this because after a few years going, going and pass the hard time I've seen a few times.

first thing to tell you that concentration is amazing. It's all full of shops, concerts, shows, bars, discotheques, ... treintamil Many try to give the notice and attention, boys must be seen.

the organization distributes free campfire wood. With the input that are about 20 bucks you get breakfast, lunch and dinner 3 days and right to the wood. You really have to take off the hat to the organizers. Every year they have, that if there is very little wood, if this is wet, if the music has been up all night, ... But the truth is that organizing a fregao like this requires at the very least an acknowledgment.

was very distracted, seems a camp of the Roman legions. people go as if to a chop. Barbecues, coolers, chairs, tables, kettles, electric generators to provide electricity, there's a good vibe and I never in all the years I've gone I've seen a fight or a push or anything like that. Check out photos from other years of this blog, as well as the organization's page to get an idea. Here you have all the information. It is quite completita and dispel any doubts you may have.

But of course, removes doubts and fears. But gives a few tips, and of course, that's what the mua.

So let the mess. Pay attention.

1, winter is a concentration. With or without cold wave. It is done in Valladolid, in to the middle of the central plateau, in the heart of the peninsula, so it's cold. That will be clear. In 2010 we spent the night at 11 below zero. Several thermometers measured and compared with the official part. I'm not exaggerating.

1 .- 1 .- REINSISTO. The superchulo leather suit that you bought this summer and you see it is ideal to look at the shit you cancentra MAY NOT BE ENOUGH. So you already know or above or below the mono divine Bring spare clothes even in the case. The leathers must buy set. So if you think putting in a tank bag 3 fleeces, before home sure that if you put all three on top of another and then on the monkey jacket, this will close. You will not be the first due to cold busting the seams of his jumpsuit to get jerseys below strength I try to close the zipper.

Many bikers have a sanity sucks gore-tex winter to remove the protections that that brings and put it over your leathers. Whatever your choice, protect yourself from the cold.

sanity in my opinion is more than recommended because se pasa la noche en un pinar que suele estar mojado. El cuero por muy bueno que sea acaba acusando la humedad constante. Y con el precio que tienen los jodios merece la pena cuidarlos. Además de mas duro , limpio e impermeable , los equipos de cordura son bastante mas baratos. En racing boutique , que es una de las tiendas con mejor relacción calidad precio tienes pantalon y chaqueta desde menos de 200 euros y la equipación completa con guantes y botas desde menos de 300.

Y con esto quiero matizaros de nuevo que la equipación de moto tiene que ser para moto. Si te pones tu chupa y pantalones de esquiar los vas ha hacer pedazos.

Con el tema of the hands is exactly the same. With just a few winter gloves NOT ENOUGH. If you do not have fists calfactables grab a hot system. If not look in my blog section where cold on the fingers give you some recipes to get by. Http://motopunky.blogspot.com/2010/10/los-guantecitos-del-decathlon.html

never Do not trust the forecast of time. It is one of the first things I learned in navigating the military. No reliable weather forecast beyond 3 days. The atmosphere is so complicated and many factors influence what will happen tomorrow in supercomputers that are used today to try to predict the weather. As much Lopez says that going to be sunny (the best of the time now in English public television, the first after the evening news) you made in your tank bag everything I said and what I'll tell you. You as the computer, always in the worst case.

2 º L cam always recambio.Pprimero clothes because the pants and jacket of the military are more comfortable to walk in there gathering sticks and fueling the fire. I remember that sanity disintegrates in seconds on contact with fire. Second

also because the fucked mimet has the right to show off a little. Anda unseen army jackets walking concentration. The girls are particularly morbid, mmmmm. Well folded coat a uniform and virtually no bulge in the luggage.

And third and most important, because if you are driving there, you drop one sucks water from the epoch-making (which can and often happens) when you arrive at the concentration can be literally draft (if you get an underwear slips chirrito water) as you touch the night soaking wet, so if you avs to shit on everything.
sanity If you continue to sink because you had to travel to two per hour and has taken 5 hours to do 100 km (case history) and you get wet have to change and get dry clothes as soon as possible. Eye that hypothermia is a very heavy little joke.

do not need to carry spare shoes, but at least get two pairs of dry socks.

3 º Nothing carrying pouch young man with the Boy Scouts of the parish and the Canadian store that I inherited from my father. You go to Decathlon, http://www.decathlon.es/ , which incidentally is the best store that has been, is and will be in Spain and buy a winter sleeping bag, an insulator and a tent.

The bags come in fiber (cheaper) and pen (more expensive). the pen is as hot if it gets wet but does not heat anything. hold the fiber but if the heating properties of moisture. The boom bulge slightly less than the fiber being stored within the compression sleeve. Comprátelo it is winter, with comfortable temperature of -5 or -10 degrees. The extreme temperatures that usually mark the bags down to that, to extreme. Are the temperatures at which you can spend a night without sleep without freezing and shivering. Still do not spend too much. If your budget is tight touch you also carry an aluminized blanket (worth 5 euros) and your grandmother's crochet. Now that a good quality bag will last a lifetime and more Agustito sleep a baby.

tents are a thousand models. The decathlon has once again the compact and inexpensive. Here you
mine cost me 50 bucks and it has turned great. Folded and takes up almost no good quantity comes in a bag.

For you did not know the door of a shop always closed except to enter or exit.

The insulation is essential. The best options (in the war economy that I practice myself) are twofold.

autoinchable Insulation modern. For about 60 bucks. Forget round mats lifetime. They take an egg, are very uncomfortable and not practically isolated from the cold. The new mats have a spout that opens and blow (or autoinchan, there are many models) and pick up some volume. They are perhaps the best option in the face of a real adventure. The most guais have until 6 or 7 cm in height when inflated. Not too comfortable but allow the night.
In the case of understanding the bag you can get an Almu filling it with t-shirts. Too bad gets clothes (trying to avoid sweat socks) in a shirt and tie at the sides so as not to leave. A head Almu for the night makes it much more enjoyable.

Now if what you are screwed is a clerk who spends his days brightness sacándole ass to a chair while playing the damn Teclita the computer (like me) and want to sleep like a baby, buy a inflatable mattress like this on the left and a pump to inflate. The first 15 euros and 6 as the previous segundo.Frente the problem is you need to give volume pump. A lung that no human being can. But once inflation gives you a real mattress, more than 10 cm in height where you will spend the night as the mattress of your house. beware that the bastards are usually punctured.

hand pumps, foot, electric utilities, which plug into a cigarette lighter. Utilities are more compact but at these temperatures do not pretend to give you strength to more than 5 or 6 inflated. At these temperatures no matter the time that you had loaded at home.
Maybe there he can ask a neighbor to inchar pump (everyone will leave yours) but damn, someone else gets a fucking bomb, which last year 30,000 filled their mattresses with mine.

Sleeping on the ground directly with the bag takes our body heat. If you do not take anything at all get under even a few cartoons, sucks sleeping on the bike, but Isolate the ground.

If you do not wear or sleeping bag and check you up at night, looking for a guard, tell your name pepito and you've lost. Anda.

Take 4 º candles. At night a candle lit inside the tent warms the atmosphere, brings light and comfort. Look for them that they can be maintained easily walk or improvise a sailboat with a can of Coke cut in half and within a stone to weigh. Use your own candle wax to stick the stone to the bottom of the can. Do not remove the eye on the candle, tents and bags modern hot as if they were made of oil (hell, if they are made of petroleum !!!!).

very useful to go dancing with the fire wood and work gloves those yellow leather. Worth $ 5 at any hardware store and keep you leave hands are a mess. If you can not be passed off as the silly picture below.

5 º A roll of sling. 15 euros well worth the 100 meters and used for a thousand things. A penknife would not hurt to cut the cord and pass the tortilla. the multipurpose are practical but are full of shit then. Moreover, the vast majority have the handle of metal and I remember that metal is bad friend to the skin of hands in cold weather. My shirla like English, with wood handles, put on the sheet made in Albacete. Take a thousand lighters. I have come to lose 5 in 3 days.

6 º The monkey of water. Waterproof clothing essential. Do not rely on the sanity. If rainfall is continuous throughout the weekend will finish getting through. It is essential to leave drying inside the store while you go out there with your mimet liquidating bottles in monkey rain. Weigh and take up little and leave flights.

7 º not worry too much about food. concentration is filled with bars that sell sandwiches, pork chops, roast lamb and all that you can imagine. The valladolid restaurateurs make a brutal display in the pine forests of the merger.

the organization also gives you entry vouchers to be able to eat breakfast and dinner 3 days. Have hewn tents where these vouchers for food, if fried eggs with chorizo, if a coffee morning with bolus ... They are not bad.

8 º Reinsisto in thinking that is going to be cooler than you think. In the decathlon is fleece for 5 euros. Comprate 3 and put them in a waterproof bag. Sits on top to flatten it completely and throw inside the tank bag. Put even the school's wool sweaters and pajama pants military, but gets warm clothes reserve. In line with this.

9 º not trust all your luggage in the car for support or parcel service. Take things in a tank bag or wherever you put it on the bike. If there are delays or something happens you find yourself in a pine forest and chachimono alone with your credit card.

10 º Fazer in me I only had the bike all you need to spend a month camping. Including alcohol and food. I look like a trapper in the far west. Left saddlebag complete with sleeping bag mountain Artiach 8000, comfort temperature -8, I think it is no longer manufactured, I have over 20 years. I also carry a military aluminized blanket acup not almost.

right saddlebag with tent, air mattress inside a cloth bag and the inflator. Some flanges and some candles to occupy the small holes.

The tank bag. Starting from the bottom up. Reefer neatly folded when the military army. Trousers and a waistcoat of mimicry, well dobladitos both. Two flights of the decathlon fleeces. Térmicas.La tights camera, camera charger, two pairs of socks, underwear sometimes, a carton of snuff, sunglasses, the frontal, Aitor Jungle King II, a small towel, a toothbrush, a beret, a utility knife, the fucking phone and its charger, the flag of Madrid and those Auditors will. Behind

octopus I tied with a military backpack with a coffeemaker, a small pan, roll the sling, a cask of wine, a tupperware with two tortillas in case, a raffia 5 by 5 meters me Carlitos bring every year and above all, the most hands, the monkey of water, most of all because if you have to wear it throwing hosts.

taught me a technique that is espanzurrarlo mountaineers all over the floor of before packaging room in the panniers and tank bag and visually go over to see you do not lack anything.

find something poetic in doing so. Pure and simple survival, not as the great Charlie that is sent to a courier yacuzi concentration. No kidding, you can send packages to the pine forest of the concentration which is then collected there. If you go a few send you a grill, pan, coffee maker, raffia, a ham, ham, ax, some folding chairs. I do not command them
because after all we stick to Valladolid is a city lady, the first Mercadona is 5 km from the campsite. I you go down two by two bikes you fill bags and cans of beers, wine cartons, lamb chops, bacon, ... Log in to the official website of the merger and find out.

11 º is a gathering of bikers, not a convention of nuns. If you leave the camp puts everything in the stores, including firewood. nothing to stop folding chairs around the fire and knives in the trunks, if you're not all flying. And not say anything about cameras or headphones. Of the world is full crooks.

12 º Take a thin plastic to cover the bike at night. Prevent from falling over all the drops of the night. Help from freezing both parts and the next morning when you go to boot it will thank you. Pa that the cord tends to come in handy. A motorcycle and would cover the cabbage.

13 º Take small pliers battery. Although he never has left you lying, if the battery has more than two years is very likely to fail. Start the engine to push is very difficult because the campground is not paved (come to a pine) and drop clutch rear wheel skids on the ground.

14 º If you want to sleep at night Bring something for the ears. I'm not kidding. Concentration is a constant parade of bikes for 3 days. You hear bubucelas, power cuts, horns, sirens, screams, music concerts, the music of the disco tents at full speed, all night. At 6 am starting to fall a little quiet about the camp but they give the 8 the rock begins to rise, to scream to cry pelao "that friooo, coñooo" and start the engines to warm them up a bit.

15 º not overdo it with alcohol. Being with my colleagues over there all afternoon liquidating and wine bottles, drink you the 2 shots of liquor strange that you have invited a French next to you, then dinner a sandwich with two minis of beer and endine 5 wiskys with tail in the camp is not the most advisable if the temperature drops significantly. drunkenness can entertain you less than you need because you do not notice the cold, also increases body heat loss by dilating the capillaries of the skin. If you enmelocotonas much then you lose the cap (like me), you ace the camera to the ground (as to me), can not find the camp (like me), squid in the store (like me), you enter a vicious desire to pee every 30 minutes in addition to not let you sleep leave you frozen the tip of his cock each Once you leave the store (like me) ...

16 º Good, but bring along a bottle of something, not be my puereta, pussy.

17 º Take the Aitor Jungle King II. Get it out of the closet and put it in your luggage. If only to stick it in the logs. It is a good opportunity to teach it, hehe. The pa is not what this is, you fail.

18 º A flashlight for night, and if a better front. In the Chinese have a LED for 5 euros that illuminate larger but quite a lot more expensive than climbing technical front.

cheap carabiners. If you hang the lantern with the snap from the top of the store will have a nightlight quite manages. The light bobs less than in the front put on your head and thin less. Another thing you can hang on the store is a wire hanger. might be useful to dry some clothes in the store.

19 º seems bullshit, but bullshit has nothing. Goat legs of jet plunge into the pine forest floor. Maybe the put and appears to hold but over time this will slowly sinking and the same when you wake up in the morning your bike is on the floor, he has left half the gas and liquid battery and has thrown two other bikes. Or let the bike leaning against a tree or a stone looking around to putting it under the leg of goat or you take a Maderita in your home.

20 º Take a flag, hell, everyone knows that people are. must be noted, there to be seen. Hosstiasss.

21 º looks like a crap, but make sure you wear a fog on the visor of your helmet. I refer to my post on the subject where he also tell you as I had once for not wearing something similar.

22 º Cameras, mobile phones and other electronic devices in the inside pockets of his jacket, ie , Pegaditas the body to keep her warm. With the cold that makes these Mini Battery you can download in one night if you leave forgotten klos inside the store. By the way, take the charger from the phone, the organization often make available to the band a power strip with hundreds of outlets.

23 º Take a package of paper wipes for baby. During the rally you do not shower. These are quasi-military maneuvers boys. With water should bastaros Buds for your daily hygiene needs. But if you're not used to winter camping out, feeling like your calzonzillos noted merge together into the scrotum after three days will make you uncomfortable. If you have to drop a turd in the countryside you can clean with a stone but in this society as amariconada we have now, the Marines, bikers we can forgive you wipe your ass with a wet towel scented Ausonia.

Yet it must be emphasized that the organization makes available to the gang hot showers for two hours in the morning and quite decent bathrooms.

My dear ladies, I was not scared.

24 º Around the merger, must give the bike a wash with cold water as soon as possible. In winter, knowing that they will come an avalanche of bikers, pucelano authorities are every road salt.
The salt sticks to the motorcycle parts and corrode. Before leaving the gear at home, when they're coming to your town, for one minute at the last station, you take a coffee waiting for the engine to cool and give him first with one euro of soap and then with one or two euros cold water to the motorcycle. Be sure not to use hot water as this instead of dragging the salt dissolves capita yal evaporate forming a salt that gets up in the tiniest corner.

25 º The most important advice is that if you do not have anyone to go, you go alone. Do not hesitate. In a place like no one is alone. Everyone will invite you and help you. We all have stories biker to tell as many people and hear them better. In 2005 I went alone and I remember it as the best I have attended penguins. Over the two days that I remember many groups of people to whom I spoke for over two hours while I took a beer. When told he had been alone all invited me to join their groups. The message was always the same "you're not one guy, stay with us. Here's our fire and our bottle." already said in the movie Full Metal Jacket. "A Marine always a Marine. From now estreis never alone. Wherever you go the rest of the Marines will always be your brothers. Until the day of your death."

A bikers passed us a little about yourself.


If you've read this article, and has served you something, when I find the concentration págate a cane, although I have not spent a penny in writing this blog, I have not managed to win even a single one.


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