Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Delta Gamma Initiation Day
seems bullshit but it is a fundamental part of your team when winter makes an appearance.
I had a friend in college named Miguel Angel Mogi. He was very fond of diving and delighted us with stories of his dives, I remember a story that can be applied to this case and not ever forget me. Had hired a trip to the Red Sea, a true paradise of diving as he had . He told us that they did four dives for a fumble he had wasted his first.
had, when one goes to submerge within the long ritual and security protocol is an operation that guarantees the goggles do not fog up. you have to take the glasses and take a spit of saliva on the inside, rub the inside all the glasses with your fingers to distribute the saliva by the crystal glasses and then rinsed with seawater. Said he forgot and spent the entire dive with goggles fogged. He said he was not ever forget that bullshit like that stop him from enjoying the thousands of colorful fish, starfish, seahorses and a thousand bugs that only they looked there and may never have the chance to see again.
The problem that you are fogging the visor of a motorcycle helmet is not going to you're going to lose the girl in miniskirt going up the sidewalk or the thousand colorful cars. The problem is that if you do not look good in a vehicle traveling at 120 km / h you'll play life.
why I strongly recommend not neglected in the winter and keep abreast of this point.
In the market there are clear plastic sheets that fit the visor on the inside and prevent fogging.
Another trick is to say the old bikers spend a potato cut in visor, but I always I've tried the visor has been made crap and go for it unless being tarnished.
What if I've got work is the drop of shower gel or hand soap. edo eld you lie in a drop of gel and distributed inside the visor. You have to distribute it well so that it is a thin layer of soap inside the visor. the first time is a mess but with a little practice, just very evenly distributed in a way that is totally transparent and not notice anything. And of course, is tarnished with the steam coming out of our fucked nose. The problem is that soon you touch the screen with fingers or gloves are left with the brand and that brand if that is tempered.
I have a special right after I pulled a half hour in the bathroom putting capita of soap, which is not always that I get balls to the third having to wash the hood the first two times to start over with another droplet, once that work is well done, drink the coffee and down in the elevator to go to currar realize that in the rush I got the gloves inside the helmet and they have touched the inside of the visor ruining my soap capita.
the end I opted to buy the plastic visor misting.
remember in 2005 I was in penguins in the middle of Siberian cold wave. I left myself
cruzárseme cables to the head. That year was much
cold in valladolid. Leaving Madrid on Friday mid-morning to go over there to the port of lions while the temperature was low the sun was shining in the sky. But once I left the port to the side Segovia was the ugliest thing. There was a kind of fog that came to camp in pucela penguin colony. Reach the last oasis of motorcycling that would be about 15 km from the camping area was cold but relatively bien.No the fingers or toes of the feet but his cock and balls even kept the blood flow, while the part of my anatomy in perfect working condition the situation was manageable. I still remember as other riders were started from laughter to me when I got a broth in the oasis and the chills that I had fell everywhere and I could not drink.
the matter is that on Saturday night I crossed the wires and decided to return to Madrid. It was about 8 pm when I went to pick up and ready to go. A group of veterans a lot more Portuguese than me who were camped next to me told me not to do so, it was not a good idea. I am the bug as more cool and more balls around Madrid and I do not fucking case, and so I went. Leaving the camp
I was completely frozen roads. JODI morning fog had wet asphalt and the temperature drops at night this was frozen. I could not go too fast, no 120, as much would have to go to 80 or 70 km / h not to go to the floor in the first corner. But the reality was that I could not exceed 30 km / h until I got to the N-VI.
And do not believe that was in the cold in the body or by ground ice. Dainese jacket under my Gore-Tex had me Nosecuantos jerseys, wearing 3 pairs of socks under the boots and the bike had put a leather gauntlets cubremanetas carried in the luggage and ensured that my fingers do not freeze. the guilt of not being able to pass the 30 km / h had the visor fucked.
As I did not put any solution to the problem of fogging was to wear the visor open a couple of fingers to carry air to the vapor, a technique he had used the previous day to go and although I left the ice face at least let me drive. Also you know how good it is cold to the skin, if it had more handsome than he had left Madrid.
But at night it got a lot more screwed up. The Aguilla the fog was paid on the outside and inside of the hood and the air froze in seconds. It was a crust of ice an inch thick on both sides that I could not see anything. If he tried to remove with your fingers up was impossible because it was solidified and fully welded to the plastic the visor.
If I could close the hood all to not be the temperature inside the helmet so low that Aguilla not have that layer of ice formed so easily. Open to take in a minute was wet on both sides and then froze again impairs vision. But the moment I closed the visor two or three breaths were sufficient to completely mist and not see a damn.
had to stop every 5 miles on the shoulder, take off my helmet, put the hood attached to the exhaust pipe and speed. The hot gases leaving the engine melted the ice and I could pass a cloth to clean it up a bit. In passing the exhaust gas is impregnated into the lining of my helmet leaving this with a pleasant smell of roses on the prairie that was the delight of my pituitary when I put it back. Lucky soon snot from my nose were frozen in being deprived of so pleasing sensation. Still
encuanto drove me to set in motion in less than a minute beginning to reshape the damn crust of ice, which incidentally became completely opaque.
The truth is that I saw a few bikers stopped to ask if everything was alright. I told them that he was smiling a little problem with the bill and had a technique that solves everything, not to worry, but the truth is that hard time was going on. In these situations you can not break down, you can not get the pot. He smiled and forward. The 5 km
made them almost blindly and without going over 30 km / h, at least if I espanzurraba with something and I would slowly kill him. This ordeal could not last forever, I knew that even if walking on eggs eventually come out of that fucking ice cloud which covered the province of Valladolid
The truth is blurred or frozen sections moving in did not see a damn. For the two fingers spread between the visor and the chin was getting to see badly arcen white line painted on the floor and that was my guide. Pegaditas trying to go to her and slowly. Had certainty that this was faithfully the road and if I kept a few inches to the left of this would not end saliendome asphalt. Occasionally he looked up to see if he saw the red lights of a car's position and so I had time to release the accelerator and not espanzurrarme against him, although it was rare that any move more slowly than me.
remember thinking that as a car would have thought to stop and not put the emergency lights I was going to hit a host against which was to appear on iron on the hood then through the front windshield and rear. the Fazer would be embedded in the back of the trunk acordenoando looking for a new aesthetic. thank God I was lucky and not meet with any obstacle in my hard drive light.
took me over 4 hours to the 80 km between San Chidrian Valladolid, where it was lifting a little foggy and I could go up in speed.
was a real ordeal, and all because of lack of a misting system. I should have stopped at some bar and have permeated the inside of the hood with soap, but I when I cooled my brain malfunction. Already does not work very well but in these situations or Siqueros could think of. I grabbed my shit suicide technique in the hope of polishing miles to go slowly. It was really hard, not the cold but the fear of crashing but the truth is that I left there, but I went the wrong way.
So you know, here the rhyme put you out of hell because I can not think of any and put in your kit winter fog screen.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Chlamydia Infertility Chances
The choice of the bike.
that hurt my Mother made marketing and advertising in this country, and especially the biker world. And I checked over my life biker the huge amount of mistakes people make when buying a bike because of it. Guys from five feet in a supertrail, mileuristas with a ducati racing, automotive Quemao the world with a chopper, rookies with a two coppers the bmw, buaaaa has been incredible.
And that like firefighters and nurses (who are two of the careers where there are more dropouts) there are plenty of bikers which compares the bike and after a couple of years sold.
I write this post so that you have more clear that is what I have you to buy and what each thing, and make clear to pass certain points on the quality of the brands and the nerve of the dealers. Because
already said my father, when we change how politicians, bad business.
brands have found it much more profitable to sell bikes to good publicity and are leaving aside the quality of models. In the twenty-first century where we are, with materials that are now vehicles should take infinite, but there are friends, the main objective of a company that sells something is to make money. Shareholders give a shit you invested your money in an excellent product, they care about is making money. No one should be ready to earn more money by selling many bikes they sell good bikes. There are scandalous cases even among the best brands. Do not take away this idea of \u200b\u200bthe head when you get to think about changing the bike.
first say that a race bike is a bike designed to compete, ie win. Do not matter all factors other than power and weight.
that hurt my Mother made marketing and advertising in this country, and especially the biker world. And I checked over my life biker the huge amount of mistakes people make when buying a bike because of it. Guys from five feet in a supertrail, mileuristas with a ducati racing, automotive Quemao the world with a chopper, rookies with a two coppers the bmw, buaaaa has been incredible.
And that like firefighters and nurses (who are two of the careers where there are more dropouts) there are plenty of bikers which compares the bike and after a couple of years sold.
I write this post so that you have more clear that is what I have you to buy and what each thing, and make clear to pass certain points on the quality of the brands and the nerve of the dealers. Because
already said my father, when we change how politicians, bad business.
brands have found it much more profitable to sell bikes to good publicity and are leaving aside the quality of models. In the twenty-first century where we are, with materials that are now vehicles should take infinite, but there are friends, the main objective of a company that sells something is to make money. Shareholders give a shit you invested your money in an excellent product, they care about is making money. No one should be ready to earn more money by selling many bikes they sell good bikes. There are scandalous cases even among the best brands. Do not take away this idea of \u200b\u200bthe head when you get to think about changing the bike.
first say that a race bike is a bike designed to compete, ie win. Do not matter all factors other than power and weight.
When Do You Know That Your Dog Is Pregnant
Old school 2-stroke road. Vespino
were different times. The two-stroke engines will eventually disappear. Did not comply with pollution control regulations, required maintenance three times a four times with the same displacement. They were much louder and more garish than today's engines. Heran more artisans, more careful design. Making an escape for two days was a task only for more advanced physics. He had to have bellies and tight areas so that the resonance of the exhaust gases of combustion chamber emptied.
exhaust valves had tried to make the power curve a little flatter and oversized megacarburadores only worked well in high returns and were impossible to tune.
In Spain and in Europe we were making experts. I refer to the single-cylinder two-stroke sports 80 and 125 cubic centimeters. the big bikes were European, the Japanese had only a mere token presence in this category.
GPR Derbys were the 80 that razed to the Honda NSR YAMAHA TZR 75 and 80.
Here I put a Derbi GPR 75. I had one, hayyyy what memories.
in 125 if there was no color. the Cagiva freccia of 125 with seven gears, Gilera SP01 appreciating a motorcycle grand prix Aprilia 125 and other future over which I can not remember.
but if I remember the feeling of learning to ride a bike on top of these machines. The two times it was the essence of motoclismo. You had to know how to lead those rabid two-stroke engines and low displacement. That if I was riding my bike excellence, speed up 12 horses from a 80 cm3 to the limit and get all their pulling power. Exit
take a chop with friends with a 80 cm3 bike required a technique and practice that have little to do with driving a modern bike.
early 90's had a group of friends with bikes 80 and every Sunday we went up and got off the port of Lions like a circuit. San Rafael Guadrrama and backwards.
Here I leave another photo of the Honda NSR 75. the greatest enemy of the Derbi GPR.
bikes of that time went, but only in a narrow strip of counter. had two or three thousand useful where the engine revs really pushed. You had to be able to keep the tach needle in this age of revolutions throughout the ascent to the port. there was loss pasasen you in a second two or three bikes.
Back to retrieve a motor that had fallen from around required a machine gun use plan change. had to downshift all milk Release the clutch but gently blow in the right gear, open throttle downshift in that you had gotten to get back on the lap counter as an arrow into the upper echelons of the tachometer and start up gears with very cautiously until meet again at 6 to 120.
had to go very fine with the engine, but only that what you did was follow the crowd to reach the top positions were also able to use the chassis. Like all bikes went more or less the same the only way was to pass someone was out of his slipstream. During the line you had to put so very close to you had before to leverage its aerodynamic wake , This cone is generated behind you when you go on a motorcycle at high speed is less "dense" than the surrounding air and if you go into a tad win a top speed .. Yeah I got just what you were able to keep motro screaming in the red zone in the highest gear that could be used. If you put a longer aogaba and the engine fell apart, if they put a shorter revolutionize the front bumper but you took off and lost his slipstream.
Another photo of the Yamaha TZR was the umpire. Was a little less than the other two but was more and more fiable.venía bike without fairing factory but you could adapt one of the auxiliary industry and was superchula. Was the most bike of all but the engine was also less potent.
But consummate the advancement required a hurried good braking.
had to restrain a split second later that you were trying to pass it forward to finish before the curva.Jugabas with that margin of safety to bikers call the limit. had to get close to the maximum without reaching sobrepasarlo.Tenías to brake like a madman with two pinion brakes, a few thousandths from behind before to lower the rear and right after the front to back, sinking front suspension thoroughly but without departing from ears or loss of adherence of front tire. The chassis are like today and twisted and Bikes jumped like possessed.
curve could only be drawn by an imaginary line exactly. had to be able to reach it with the bike in front. If all the above maneuvers had done correctly would have managed to overtake the nose and you were in position to draw. Furthermore, the forward'd just had realized all of a sudden someone came out of nowhere (because all this happened in a second) was placed in front of him and let you draw without making the beast, ie the loosened a tad trace gas behind you and not in parallel where it would be much more dangerous. But if you think
slowly now was he who was behind you at the exit of turn and it was your tow which was favorable to accelerate and execute the same maneuver that he had done in your previous line.
game was the slipstream, to bring the engines in their zone of maximum power, 80 cm3 engine and two forward tiempos.de someone else be able to get an infinitesimal over his bike, thanks to the exact circumstances each situation should be calculated in real time.
Thus a curve, and then another, and so the whole port, first rising to 80-90 km / h and then down at 120-130. Five or six times spent in port every Sunday morning.
were different times. The two-stroke engines will eventually disappear. Did not comply with pollution control regulations, required maintenance three times a four times with the same displacement. They were much louder and more garish than today's engines. Heran more artisans, more careful design. Making an escape for two days was a task only for more advanced physics. He had to have bellies and tight areas so that the resonance of the exhaust gases of combustion chamber emptied.
exhaust valves had tried to make the power curve a little flatter and oversized megacarburadores only worked well in high returns and were impossible to tune.
In Spain and in Europe we were making experts. I refer to the single-cylinder two-stroke sports 80 and 125 cubic centimeters. the big bikes were European, the Japanese had only a mere token presence in this category.
GPR Derbys were the 80 that razed to the Honda NSR YAMAHA TZR 75 and 80.
Here I put a Derbi GPR 75. I had one, hayyyy what memories.
in 125 if there was no color. the Cagiva freccia of 125 with seven gears, Gilera SP01 appreciating a motorcycle grand prix Aprilia 125 and other future over which I can not remember.
but if I remember the feeling of learning to ride a bike on top of these machines. The two times it was the essence of motoclismo. You had to know how to lead those rabid two-stroke engines and low displacement. That if I was riding my bike excellence, speed up 12 horses from a 80 cm3 to the limit and get all their pulling power. Exit
take a chop with friends with a 80 cm3 bike required a technique and practice that have little to do with driving a modern bike.
early 90's had a group of friends with bikes 80 and every Sunday we went up and got off the port of Lions like a circuit. San Rafael Guadrrama and backwards.
Here I leave another photo of the Honda NSR 75. the greatest enemy of the Derbi GPR.
bikes of that time went, but only in a narrow strip of counter. had two or three thousand useful where the engine revs really pushed. You had to be able to keep the tach needle in this age of revolutions throughout the ascent to the port. there was loss pasasen you in a second two or three bikes.
Back to retrieve a motor that had fallen from around required a machine gun use plan change. had to downshift all milk Release the clutch but gently blow in the right gear, open throttle downshift in that you had gotten to get back on the lap counter as an arrow into the upper echelons of the tachometer and start up gears with very cautiously until meet again at 6 to 120.
had to go very fine with the engine, but only that what you did was follow the crowd to reach the top positions were also able to use the chassis. Like all bikes went more or less the same the only way was to pass someone was out of his slipstream. During the line you had to put so very close to you had before to leverage its aerodynamic wake , This cone is generated behind you when you go on a motorcycle at high speed is less "dense" than the surrounding air and if you go into a tad win a top speed .. Yeah I got just what you were able to keep motro screaming in the red zone in the highest gear that could be used. If you put a longer aogaba and the engine fell apart, if they put a shorter revolutionize the front bumper but you took off and lost his slipstream.
Another photo of the Yamaha TZR was the umpire. Was a little less than the other two but was more and more fiable.venía bike without fairing factory but you could adapt one of the auxiliary industry and was superchula. Was the most bike of all but the engine was also less potent.
were a few inches behind sooner or later the line had reached a curve. Just before you could get out and use that extra speed would give you thrown out because you had the least air resistance and keep the engine had achieved this advantage by 100 or 200 rpm further than the front. This technique gave you the ability to get out of the slipstream and put in parallel with, but did not reach much beyond that and leave the wake of the friction force air back to equalize and the 200 rpm more fell quickly, but lasted the few seconds needed to get in line. 
But consummate the advancement required a hurried good braking.
had to restrain a split second later that you were trying to pass it forward to finish before the curva.Jugabas with that margin of safety to bikers call the limit. had to get close to the maximum without reaching sobrepasarlo.Tenías to brake like a madman with two pinion brakes, a few thousandths from behind before to lower the rear and right after the front to back, sinking front suspension thoroughly but without departing from ears or loss of adherence of front tire. The chassis are like today and twisted and Bikes jumped like possessed.
curve could only be drawn by an imaginary line exactly. had to be able to reach it with the bike in front. If all the above maneuvers had done correctly would have managed to overtake the nose and you were in position to draw. Furthermore, the forward'd just had realized all of a sudden someone came out of nowhere (because all this happened in a second) was placed in front of him and let you draw without making the beast, ie the loosened a tad trace gas behind you and not in parallel where it would be much more dangerous. But if you think
slowly now was he who was behind you at the exit of turn and it was your tow which was favorable to accelerate and execute the same maneuver that he had done in your previous line.
game was the slipstream, to bring the engines in their zone of maximum power, 80 cm3 engine and two forward tiempos.de someone else be able to get an infinitesimal over his bike, thanks to the exact circumstances each situation should be calculated in real time.
Thus a curve, and then another, and so the whole port, first rising to 80-90 km / h and then down at 120-130. Five or six times spent in port every Sunday morning.
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